The “Airmatic biofunctional activated carbon filter” now has antiviral features. Certified in accordance with ISO 18184:2019 standards through the Dr. Brill + Dr. Steinmann test laboratory in Germany, 99.97% of the viruses are inactivated.


Airmatic Filterbau GmbH


Airmatic Filterbau GmbH


Bus Filters

for longer and safer journeys

On longer bus tours, the health and safety of drivers and passengers are paramount. Tour groups are often on the road for days. Fatigue and drowsiness are very common. Our many different types of filters improve air flow in the vehicle, boosting alertness and overall driving comfort. Regular filter replacement is therefore extremely important.

  • 8 brands

  • 8.470 models

  • 39 particle filters

  • 2 activated carbon filters

  • 11 biofunctional activated carbon filters

  • 20 filter mats

We offer a complete range of top-quality, “Made in Germany” products at very attractive prices. Technical drawings are available upon request to help determine which filter is right for you.

Our catalogue features a comprehensive list of vehicles that can be fitted with our filters. All activated carbon filters are also available as biofunctional activated carbon filters.

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